Any Lengths Life Coaching

#Ask Gretchen; Let's get real.

June #AskGretchen: Unwanted Advice, Long-Lasting Friendships, Dual Careers, and Flakes

Dear Gretchen: How do you recommend talking to a friend who is making poor choices in her life (men, alcohol), but gets extremely defensive when you bring it up? – Adrienne S., Sherman Oaks, CA Dear Adrienne: If your friend isn’t asking, then she doesn’t want your opinion. As harsh as that sounds, it’s better […]

June #AskGretchen: Unwanted Advice, Long-Lasting Friendships, Dual Careers, and Flakes Read More Âť

photo of woman rolling her eyes at person speaking with her.

Communication: It’s All About Fixing Your Face

Communication is all about connecting. Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself saying, “That’s not what I meant,” or, “Things come out wrong through email.” Communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts, and feelings between people through speaking, writing and body language. Effective communication extends the concept to require that

Communication: It’s All About Fixing Your Face Read More »

Headline: "The Freak Factor"

Get your freak on! Defining your personal brand.

Before I was a coach, I was a publicist for many, many years. And I can tell you with certainty that personal branding is all about promoting your freak factor. It’s about standing out and being authentically different. If what you offer is the same as everyone else, you’re replaceable. Understanding and living your differentiation

Get your freak on! Defining your personal brand. Read More Âť