Gretchen Hydo

Stop the stigma of mental illness.

National Suicide Prevention Month: A Teen Cover Model’s Story

Suicide is a subject that makes people feel uncomfortable. Mental illness is complicated and a hard diagnosis to receive. People who live with it feel ashamed. My client, international teen cover model, Amy Elmore, knows. She is one of the 8.3 million Americans per year that has experienced suicidal thoughts. She is one of the

National Suicide Prevention Month: A Teen Cover Model’s Story Read More »

#Ask Gretchen; Let's get real.

#AskGretchen September 2016: Daughter-in-Law Blues, Bedbug Isolation, Building Business, and Letting Go

Dear Gretchen: My daughter-in-law says she loves me, but she never comes to my house. She says it’s not my housekeeping or anything like that. I feel disappointed. Am I too sensitive? — Left out mom, Reseda, CA Dear Left Out: Feelings are feelings. You aren’t being too sensitive, and it’s okay to feel disappointed.

#AskGretchen September 2016: Daughter-in-Law Blues, Bedbug Isolation, Building Business, and Letting Go Read More Âť