
#AskGretchen - Let's Get Real

February #AskGretchen: Black History Month, Dealing with the Ex, Getting in Touch, and Burn Out

Dear Gretchen: What are some good book options or approaches for elementary school children to discuss Black History Month? My kids are ages 5 and 7. My husband and I would like to have a larger discussion but not sure how or where to start. —Amanda from Hoboken, NJ

February #AskGretchen: Black History Month, Dealing with the Ex, Getting in Touch, and Burn Out Read More Âť

#AskGretchen - Let's Get Real

January #AskGretchen: Fear of Commitment, Overcoming Bad Habits, and Homework Help

Dear Gretchen: I know I’ve met the right lady to get married too, but for some reason, I don’t pop the question. I’ve been divorced and have been single now for 18 years. I’ve found the right one, but I’m hesitant and not getting any younger. Can you help me with your advice? – Scared

January #AskGretchen: Fear of Commitment, Overcoming Bad Habits, and Homework Help Read More Âť

#Ask Gretchen; Let's get real.

December #AskGretchen: Believing in Santa, Divorced Kids Tour, Creating New Traditions and, Family Induced Anxiety

Dear Gretchen: My Eight- year- old daughter came home from school saying her friends told that Santa isn’t real. How do I explain this since she still believes? – Santa’s Helper in New Jersey Dear Santa’s Helper: Last year my nine-year—old son begged me to tell him if Santa was real. He had mentioned something

December #AskGretchen: Believing in Santa, Divorced Kids Tour, Creating New Traditions and, Family Induced Anxiety Read More Âť

#Ask Gretchen; Let's get real.

November #AskGretchen: Anxiety and the Holidays, Divorced Parents, Acts of Kindness, and Rekindling Friendship

Dear Gretchen: I’m feeling anxious about seeing my family for Thanksgiving. I’m traveling from California to New York and my sister will be there. She has a drinking problem, and we do not get along. She turns every suggestion I give her into a verbal attack. I usually end up in tears and am resentful

November #AskGretchen: Anxiety and the Holidays, Divorced Parents, Acts of Kindness, and Rekindling Friendship Read More Âť