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Boot Camp
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My Boot Camp:
Core Strength
This nine-session package is designed to give you laser focus to cut through the mind chatter so that you can become more efficient, productive, and organized. Experience a series of exercises that will clear blocks and limiting beliefs so that you can build a roadmap to set and attain goals over a three-month time period. Your short-term strategy plan will be tailormade to produce meaningful results. This package is perfect for people working on leadership skills, productivity, goal attainment, career clarification, and life transition. Get ready to work!
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My Boot Camp:
Power Positioning
This 18-session package will help you delve deeper into your core so that you can uncover, discover, and discard any obstacles that are getting in your way of living a powerful life. By using a series of techniques and exercises, you will focus on life fulfillment, goal attainment, and business elevation. A long- and short-term strategy plan will be created, as a well as your personal mission and vision statements. This package takes an in-depth look at both life and career choices and is perfect for anyone wanting to take a deeper look at themselves to create the life that they want to live. Like any good work out, you will feel the burn and see the results.
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My Boot Camp:
Life Makeover
In 36-sessions, youâll look at every aspect of your life. From fulfillment and new direction, to career optimization, and goal attainment, to balance and transition, to relationships and finances, to health, wellness, and spirituality â this package covers it all. This in-depth program includes everything from the basic and advanced programs, and more. It is thorough and complete and will leave you feeling victorious!
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My Boot Camp:
Instant Breakthrough
This one-day intensive offers an eight-hour, in-person package that is designed to create focus and clarity. We will take a look at your life, analyze your pressure points, and talk about your dreams, all while creating a strategic plan that will help you bring balance, fulfillment, and power into your business and personal life.
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My Boot Camp:
Dream Activator
What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What if time, money, and talent were not obstacles? Do you have a dream that you left on the shelf a long time ago because it wasnât practical or because you believed you couldnât make money at it? Is it a dream that you no longer have time for? How would you feel if you could explore the path not taken and bring it into your life today? Itâs possible, and itâs energizing! This package can be designed as a one-day intensive or a nine-session program. Whichever you choose, get ready to dream big!
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My Boot Camp:
Block Buster
Designed for anyone struggling with codependency and self esteem, this nine- to 18-session package will give you the tools you need to break patterns from the past, while giving you confidence to access your authentic voice. We will explore your essence, and use techniques to help you break free from blocks and limiting beliefs. Get ready to be empowered so that you can live freely!
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My Boot Camp: Lifeâs Purpose
Do you ever wonder why you are here? What is your unique purpose? Do you feel like you are meant to do more? Have you climbed the ladder only to discover that you hate the view from the top? If you are looking for answers and want to change your automatic responses to life, this package is right for you. This package can be designed as a one-day intensive or a nine-session program. We will take an in-depth look at who you are at your essence, what you are meant to do, and create a plan so that you can start living the life you are meant to live. This program is perfect for anyone who is willing to delve deeper to get answers that will transform their future. Your life starts now!
To get started, let’s talk!
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* Didnât find a package that fits to a tee? No problem. Individualized programs and personalized group workshops can be designed for career development, relationships, health and wellness, spirituality, times of transition, and more. If you are interested in having a program designed especially for you, please contact Gretchen at: [email protected].[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column animate=”afc”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row color_scheme=”primary”][vc_column][us_cta title=”Schedule a call today!” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fgretchenhydo.as.me%2F||target:%20_blank|” btn_label=”Book Now” btn_style=”4″ target1=”_self” target2=”_self” btn_size=”15px”]If you donât change your direction, you may end up where you are heading.â â Lao Tzu