Your Tango


How to be secure in your job.

Take it from me, I’ve helped dozens of people get jobs, change careers, and learn to play well in the proverbial work sandbox. Success is something that comes naturally to some but takes more time to develop in others. If you want to know how to not get fired (and be successful instead), here are 21 pieces of business and career advice on how to be successful, so you can elevate and accelerate your career.
Your Tango


Here's how to stay calm and clear your head.

We all have overwhelming days that make it easy to get stuck in our heads. Sometimes we find ourselves ruminating on a person, place, or thing. We replay conversations and go over the things we “should” have said. We think about the past. We think about the future. We forget about the present. And, we focus on the problem, imagined or real. Within seconds, the spin begins and we can go from sanity to insanity in less time than it takes to light a match. What I know is that there is always a moment, no matter how brief, where a choice is made. I can choose to fall down the rabbit hole with the mad hatter or I can pause and mindfully reset my thinking and move forward. Here is a list of ten of my favorite one-liners that help me put things into perspective and get re-centered.
Your Tango


How to be the person everyone trusts with their secrets.

Trust is a fundamental cornerstone of successful relationships. It creates stability, transparency, and respect. It is a character trait that people value and look for in others. It is synonymous with integrity, honor, and fairness. Are you trustworthy? Do you trust yourself? Being a trustworthy person doesn’t just happen. It takes commitment, dedication, and a choice of living an honest life. To trust yourself and to be trusted by others, you have to be accountable in all areas of your life. If you are human, you know as well as I do that this can sometimes be a challenge. Here are 9 tips to help you become a trustworthy person and earn the trust of others.
Breaking Free from Secrets: Gretchen Hydo on Personal Transformation and The Art of Unbecoming


Breaking Free from Secrets: Gretchen Hydo on Personal Transformation and The Art of Unbecoming

Podcast interview with the team at Mindset Artistry

Have you ever felt trapped by secrets, labels, and rules? Ever wondered how to break free? This episode features Gretchen Hydo, a Master Certification Coach, Author, and one of LA’s top coaches who shares her transformative journey from publicist to a life coach. She talks about her 10-stage secret-breaking system and the companion book that acts as a guide for people to shatter their self-deception and false self-whispers. In our profound conversation with Gretchen, we venture into the intricate aspects of secrets, the narratives we weave for ourselves, and why secrets originate. Gretchen guides us through the process of unbecoming — a challenging yet liberating journey of defying the labels, rules, and stories that confine us. She asserts the importance of cultivating space for innovative ideas and the necessity to welcome change, even if it demands letting go of some people. Dive with us into bravery, emotional healing, and self-transformation. Gretchen provides valuable insights on discerning the compromises we make to feel secure and how to break those psychological agreements. This episode is a journey of self-discovery, self-transformation, and healing. Tune in to learn from Gretchen’s personal experiences, insights, and advice that can help you unlock your true potential.
Swipe Right Podcast with C.K. Collins


One of the central themes of this week’s The Swipe Right Effect Podcast is breaking free from the burden of secrets. CK Collins and her guest, Gretchen Hydo, encourage listeners to explore their secrets, no matter how big or small, and understand the impact of their childhood conditioning and self-limiting beliefs. The key to shedding secrets lies in accepting and forgiving oneself, and gradually revealing these secrets to safe individuals who can offer support and understanding. By releasing shame and guilt associated with secrets, individuals can move towards healing and embracing their true selves.

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