For My Birthday, I Want to Give You a Present

A gift for you on my birthdayI’m having a birthday next week. I’ll be turning 43. Something about that age feels weighty to me, as I am no longer in the first quarter of my life. Here is what I know. Each decade has been better than the one before and has been time stamped with the taste of nostalgia specific to the lessons I’ve learned from life. While I no longer yearn to be in the carefree and sometimes tumultuous days of my twenties, and have closed the chapter of newborn babies in my thirties, I find myself facing my forties and wondering what they have in store for me.

So far, I’ve found my passion, started a new career path, and have let go of the BS that used to hold me back in the form of other people’s opinions. I care far less today than I ever have about what other people think of me and care far more about what I think of myself. I feel settled and confident with who I am. Not bad for the first few years of a new decade.

Being in my forties has given me a sense of responsibility to live my life with purpose. When I leave this world, and look back at my footprint, will I be satisfied with what I contributed? The answer is, mostly. There is still more to do. And I know that time is not promised. I have lost people along the way. I have lived through worst-case scenarios. And, I have gotten to the other side. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to give back and create community, while helping others who are seeking to break free from their limiting beliefs so that they can live their life’s purpose.

For my birthday, I want to give you a present. It is my deepest desire to help you get activated. The benefits of stepping into your purpose far outweigh the fears. You don’t have to know how to do it, you just need to have the desire to do it. If you want to live life bigger and make the time you have left count, contact me for a complimentary 30-minute session. It’s my give back to you and to others who are tired of living on the hamster wheel and ready to live their life by design rather than by default.

As I blow out my 43 candles on this year’s cake, my wish is that we collectively take a step towards our own authenticity. That we get out of the shadows of our shame and listen to that still small voice that’s whispering, “There’s more.”

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