As a master coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of people and have found that there is something we all have in common: we take on the expectations and needs of others and often prioritize what we think we should be doing, or the way we think we should think about ourselves, over our own instincts, wants, and desires. Does that sound familiar?
You might be wondering what this has to do with being a maverick and asking yourself, what the heck is a maverick? So, with that in mind, let’s talk about how to be a maverick over your own life.
What is a Maverick?
First, what exactly is a maverick? A maverick is an independent individual who thinks and acts in ways that are different from the expected or usual way. A maverick is someone who leaves the expected behind.
Think about your own life. Do you live in the expected? Think about what you would do if you lived in an unexpectable way.
How Expectations Get in the Way
There are personality traits, rules, and labels that you’ve adopted that don’t really fit, but keep you living in expected ways. You may have even used some of them as coping mechanisms to feel valued, seen, heard, and liked.
But little by little you can learn to leave the expected behind. You can discover those rules and labels that don’t fit, and begin to let go of them.
To begin, think of the way you live. What actions do you take that are a part of your daily lifestyle, routines, and thinking? Maybe it’s that you get up, get ready for work, and get the kids out the door. Maybe it has to do with the way that you think about yourself. Maybe it’s the wants that you have, the desires or the storyline that you tell yourself as to why you “can’t have that”.
Anytime you try to do something different from these routines, you get pushed back into the expected way because anything else just feels too hard. Maybe you’re trying to gain more time for yourself, but it feels impossible. Maybe you’d like to think about yourself differently, but then a thought comes up to reestablish the negative thoughts. Maybe you’ve got a big goal, dream, or desire, but your expected thinking tells you that you can’t have it.
Let’s test this for a moment. What’s a big goal, dream, or desire that you have? Writing a book, being an actor, starting your own business, running a 5k–whatever it is, write it down. Now, what is the first thought that comes to mind for why you can’t do it or why you haven’t yet? What does your mind say? “I don’t have enough time. I’m not good enough. I can do that when the kids are older. I don’t have enough money.” What’s the story of lack? There’s always a story of lack.
Believe it or not, your mind is actually being good to you. It’s trying to protect you and keep you safe, but at the same time, it’s also keeping you from being your highest self.
How to Be a Maverick
So a maverick is someone who hears what the mind says and goes, “Yep, I know that’s the expected way, but I’m gonna do something else.” And they actually go for it!
Of course, that’s easier said than done. When a thought like, “I want to write a book,” pops up, the mind often fires back with resistance: “You don’t have enough time.” But instead of letting that stop you, try this exercise to challenge those limiting beliefs and ask yourself:
1. What could you believe instead? Rather than, “I don’t have enough time,” reframe it: “I DO have time–just not a lot.”
2. What else could you believe? Dig deeper: “I have two free hours on Saturdays, so I could dedicate that time to writing.”
3. What action might you take? Get specific: “This Saturday I can outline the book or get a writing coach.”
The key is to protect this new intention. You have to make sure you don’t put other plans on top of this allotted time. Sit down and actually do the work. That’s how you break free from the expected and become a maverick.
Embracing Your Inner Maverick
So, we’ve discussed what a Maverick is, why it matters, and how to become one. So, don’t let the world’s expectations get in the way of your dreams any longer.
Next time you slip into your routine behavior or old thought patterns, take a moment to do this exercise. Ask yourself: “Is this truly me, or am I just playing it safe?” Take a small, daring step toward your dreams—however uncomfortable or unconventional it might feel.
Because deep down, you are a maverick just waiting to be unleashed!