I Closed My First Coaching Client! Now What?

So, you closed your first coaching client. Congratulations! That’s an exciting achievement and I am very happy for you.

But I’m sure you’re wondering, “What do I do now?”

Next Steps

What you do following the close of a new client is crucial. It’s essential to build a strong foundational relationship with each client.

Here are 5 simple steps to ensure your process is professional and seamless.

1. Send Important Documents

The first thing that you want to do is send out an invoice and the contract with the intake paperwork.

If you don’t already have a contract, make sure to create one. A contract is essential and will be used repeatedly. Same thing with your client intake work. You should have a welcome packet ready with all these materials. Having this prepared will set you apart.

2. Ask for a Confirmation Yes

Do not count a client as a closed client before they have paid. Many times, clients change their mind after the consultation call is over. That puts us in a bad position if we’ve already spent the money before it was in the bank because we assumed we had a new client.

You never really know until you have checked the client’s “yes”. Did it really mean yes? Was it the kind of yes that means, “Yes, I want to get off the phone. I don’t like any kind of confrontation and I want to people-please.” Or was it, “Yes, I’d like coaching so I’ll say yes, but I don’t really want it right now, or I don’t quite understand what it is.”

A full “Confirmation Yes” means that someone signs the contract and sends the payment. You should not proceed with anything else until this step is finished. 

3. Schedule

Once the new client has signed the paperwork and paid, you can finally schedule them. Make sure that they also fill out any intake paperwork for that first paid session.

Most of the time, the kickoff session is about 85 minutes long, rather than the 55 minutes that we typically do with clients. This is because you’ll be getting to know the ins and outs of what they want and setting the foundation for your coaching relationship. 

4. Prepare

Make sure that you show up to that first session prepared. Be ready for your client. Listen deeply. Look for questions you can ask that are based on what your client wants. Slow down to help create aha moments with your intuition and silence. Don’t forget to also have fun.

5. Discuss Agreements vs. Expectations

During that first call, go over agreements rather than expectations.

Now you might be thinking, But they already signed the agreement. Yes, but a lot of people don’t read it. So during this time, you want to slow down and really go over what’s expected in the coaching contract. 

Go over confidentiality, payment, scheduling, cancellations, what coaching is and isn’t, how you’d like them to be prepared, and anything else that feels really important. Then, ask them what they need to feel really safe in your space and what agreements they’d like to have. 

Explain to them that expectations are different from agreements. Expectations get us in trouble. We may expect that someone is going to do something, but unless we have a firm agreement, it doesn’t mean that it’s actually going to happen.


Now that you know what to do after closing a client, you don’t have to freak out over your next steps. Remember, you want to send any important documents, ask for a “Confirmation Yes”, schedule the next sessions, prepare for the first call, and discuss agreements vs. expectations.

If you want more support in this process, consider joining my Facebook community called Coaching for Coaches. This is an inspiring group of coaches who love serving and building together. We often share tips and advice just like this.

And there you have it. You now have a process in place that will keep your coaching business moving forward smoothly!

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