ALL About Secret-Keeping and Secret-Breaking

I’ve worked with hundreds of people, and there is one thing I’ve found that we all have in common that you may not realize: secret-keeping.

But what exactly does that mean? Why does it matter, and what can we do about it?

What Are Secrets?

Here’s the deal: Secrets are not just the actions that you’ve taken that you don’t want anyone to know about. 

Such as the abortion, the affair, or the money you skim from the cash register. Lying on your resume, saying you were sick to get out of something when you weren’t, not paying your bills on time…the list is really endless.

There’s another part to secrets. They’re also the hidden thoughts that you have about yourself and others. 

They’re things like imposter syndrome.

“I’m a fraud”. 

“I’m not good enough.”

“I don’t like myself.”

“I don’t like that person across the street.”

“I need to lose weight.”

“I’m not lovable.”

“I’m in this relationship because I need to be.”

Other secrets are things like wondering if something is wrong with you and feeling like no matter what, you can never get it right.

What Does Secret-Keeping Do?

If I followed you around for 24 hours and had access to all of your thoughts, I know with certainty I would find that you have at least one secret. And it’s okay, we all do. 

Our negative narrative mind is one of the most damaging parts of secret-keeping because it creates an unconscious self-imposed cage that we live in.

The weight of our collective secrets–the actions and the thoughts–keep us stuck, protected and living in our comfort zone. 

The good news, though, is that secret-keeping is just a coping mechanism. We use secret-keeping for protection to shield the pieces of ourselves that we’re ashamed of or embarrassed about anyone knowing. But you can learn something new.

Secret-keeping can keep us from living our life to the fullest capacity and going for our dreams. 

What dreams do you have that you are not going for? 

Why not? Is it because of an action that you’ve taken or something that you think about yourself or the world? Sometimes it’s even as simple as, “I don’t have time for that.”

Usually, there’s something underneath that’s more important. 

Like “I don’t feel good enough to do it,” or “I believe that I’m going to fail if I try.” Secrets can be things like looking for a career that we love, but not applying when we find opportunities. 

When we have secrets, they keep us from doing.

How about being in fulfilling relationships? How many of you reading this would like to have better relationships? Personally, professionally, in your love life, in your friendship life, familial…We’d all like better relationships, but we’re keeping secrets that are holding us back from that.

How about financial stability? Secret-keeping can keep us from being financially stable, too.

It also keeps us from having good emotional, physical, and mental health.

Keys to Secret-Breaking

Because of what I know, I created a 10-Stage Secret-Keeping System to help people break free from their secrets.

Because of the thousands of symptoms that I’ve heard, I thought that this system would be so important to help people like you and me be able to take a slowed down, step-by-step approach to breaking those secrets.

Keep in mind: this isn’t just for women. Both women and men have secrets. This works for anyone who wants to go deeper, reveal their patterns, and unlock their secret-keeping code.

When we keep secrets, we lose. When we break free of our secrets, we win.

If you’re ready to make this change, then grab my book, Break Free From Your Dirty Little Secrets. It’s going to help you with that 10-Stage Secret-Breaking System so that you can let go of the negative legacy, both generational and spiritual, that you’ve been keeping and step into your most authentic life.

One of the important aspects to secret-breaking is being open to unfiltered conversations. This can help you go deeper and make breakthroughs. If you need a place to have those unfiltered conversations, I hope that you’ll join my group that’s all about unlocking yourself from secrets and unlocking your life altogether. 

It’s time to change your life.

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