How to Set Your Prices as a Coach


This topic is always up there in my most frequently asked questions – not just from new coaches – but even seasoned coaches wanting to switch up their packages or looking to scale.

Here’s the thing, there are MANY ways you can price. 

You can do a price for a certain time commitment, such as a 3-month package for $X, or you can do hourly.

One thing to remember: The coaching community is moving away from hourly because our services plant seeds that continue to grow between sessions, not just in the session. So, the value will always be higher than hourly.

Find the fee that you are comfortable saying. Some coaches like $1800 for 3 months when they start out. And, if you want to do a payment plan, that’s an easy equation for $600 a month.

Once you get really good at it, feel confident, and see transformation with your coaching client, then raise your price!

Practice and play with numbers.

If you are just starting out, get good at working with a client for a 3-month timeframe before offering packages for a longer amount of time.

You can always renew your client.

Once you are ready to go deeper with your clients and have the 3-month packages under your belt, start adding in 6- or even 12-month packages.

Not only will you have clients for a longer amount of time to do real transformative coaching, but you won’t have to renew so often, or find a new client that often. Still plant seeds for new clients, but you can focus more on your current clients this way – which means you can charge more!

You want to make packages an easy yes.

Let’s say that your highest recommendation is 6 months, but the client is afraid of the commitment as well as the money. Back it down to three months. You can say that you two can start with 3 months with the intention to check in and extend it if everything is going well. So, they know it’s an option, but they can have the easy yes to the 3 months.

As your confidence grows and your coaching skills grow, you will be comfortable asking for more.

Bottom line, there is no right or wrong number.

It’s the agreed upon value between you and another person.

Just remember that your worth is not about the money amount.

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