Photo of two hands together cradling a small, printed sign that reads, "Trust"

One of the most common topics my clients talk to me about is trust.

We hear about trust all the time, but what does it actually mean and how can you step into being a more trustworthy person?

Trust is a fundamental part of creating a safe space for people and yourself, however, being a trustworthy person doesn’t just happen overnight.

What is trust?

Before diving into how to be a trustworthy person, it’s important to know what it is. Trust is a fundamental cornerstone of flourishing relationships. It also applies inside and outside of the workplace.

Trust is a character trait that creates stability, transparency, and respect. It’s also a trait that many people value and look for in others. Think about someone you trust and how comfortable you feel knowing that they won’t exploit your trust. It makes the relationship or friendship more meaningful.

Are you a trustworthy person?

Now, I want you to ask yourself this, “Am I a trustworthy person? Do I trust myself?” If you’re unsure or don’t have an answer yet, that is okay. Being a trustworthy person can take some time. It takes commitment, dedication, and starts by making a choice that you want to live a more honest life.

As someone who’s experienced the journey of stepping into being a more trustworthy person, I know that this can be a challenge. After years of working with hundreds of people, from multimillionaires and c-suite executives, to entrepreneurs, couples, and PTA moms, here’s what I’ve found makes a person trustworthy.

Keep your word.

Plain and simple—if you say you’re going to do something, do it. Whether this be making plans, commitments, or promises, it’s key to stay true to them. Seeing things through is what I consider to be a trademark of a trustworthy person.

It’s so easy for someone to lose trust in a person who does not follow through with their promises.

Be honest.

Even if the outcome of a situation will not be in your favor, it’s still important to be honest and tell the truth. There’s something so special about what telling the truth says about one’s character. This is a fundamental step to stepping into being a person that others can trust. It’s also always important to be honest with yourself as well.

Be transparent.

Similarly, transparency is everything. If you make a mistake and admit it, it shows that you can take responsibility for your actions without having to put the blame on others. Transparency is also a valuable aspect when it comes to the relationships you build with others.

Be on time.

Next, it’s important to be on time. This very little action can mean a lot to others. It shows that you value your time with them. When you don’t honor someone’s time, it can show that you have a hard time keeping your commitments.

Guard other people’s business carefully.

If someone chooses to share something with you, that already says a lot about who you are. They feel comfortable in letting you know their business. It’s important not to share the information with others. It can be a hurtful action and can immediately lead to the loss of trust.

Don’t gossip.

Gossiping or speaking badly about others behind their back erodes trust. Whether you’re hiding the gossip from the person you’re speaking about or not, it can still leave a negative impression on others. I always say that if people gossip with you, they’re going to gossip about you.

Apologize often.

If you’ve done something wrong, admit it quickly. Ask about what you can do to make it right. Apologizing means going out of your own way to make things better in a situation or with something else. It can leave an honorable impression on others.

Be predictable.

It’s not always easy predicting how a situation is going to go. In this life, things are bound to happen, but we have every right to control how we react to a situation. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Be the person who remains steady in the room no matter what comes your way.

Set the tone.

People often underestimate the power that their attitude can have on others. Your attitude can truly cause a ripple effect, therefore it’s important to remain positive. Just a little positivity can go an incredibly long way.


All this to say, trusting yourself and others takes time, but there are things that you can do to step into that reality. I encourage you to choose one or two of these steps and put them into practice this week. I want you to step into this change and watch how it will transform your relationships in your life, including the one with yourself.

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