QUOTE: As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. -Marianne WilliamsonWe all have a unique purpose that is God-given and specific to who we are. But we don’t all live it. Some of us know that it’s there. We can see the hazy edges of what it might be, but since it isn’t clear, we can’t bring it into focus. Fear of failure, fear of success, practicalities of life, knowledge, and circumstances get in the way and rip us off from receiving this very powerful gift that not only changes us but changes others. We worry about our shine and how people will react to it. Will they still like us? Will they be jealous? Will they think we’re crazy? Here’s my answer……. who cares! It’s time to change the game. Your game.

If you’ve ever felt like there should be something more to life or have felt a bit let down by how far you’ve come but how little satisfaction you feel, it’s because you are out of alignment and it’s time for a spiritual adjustment.

It is my true belief that each of us were placed on this earth with and for a specific purpose. We all have individual talents, desires, and gifts. The yearning in your heart is different than the yearning that was placed in mine. When we go after that yearning, define it, get it, and live it, life changes. The world changes. Living in our element causes a ripple that touches others. They see our light. And our light gives them the courage they need to find theirs. We stop being afraid of failure. We stop being afraid of success. The question, “Who is going to let me?” becomes, “Who is going to stop me?”

If you are ready for a spiritual adjustment, I have put together a very special 12-week curriculum to help you find your shine. During your sessions, I will partner with you to:

  • Define your shine. Why am I here?
  • Face your fears and break through your blocks.
  • Create SMART goals and a practical plan with realistic action steps, that are time sensitive so that you can build momentum and gain traction towards change.
  • Define your value.
  • Explore the 7-step model for change so that you can let go of bad habits and replace them with empowering behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs.
  • Create accountability to make meaningful progress and acknowledge yourself along the way.
  • Define your decision-making process so that you can stop getting distracted and stay focused on your priorities.
  • Learn who you are and what your unique brilliance is.
  • Build motivation and a clear vision for your life.
  • Remove the obstacles that are hiding your shine.
  • Rejuvenate your spirit.
  • Live your life’s purpose.

To give everyone the in-depth experience they deserve, during the month of March, I am offering this powerful, life-changing “Find Your Shine” experience to six individuals who are deeply committed to finding their shine. If you feel that you would be a good fit for this program, please schedule a 30-minute “find your shine” session with me to learn more about this very special experience.

Get out your sunglasses. The world is about to get a lot brighter!

Watch what I have to say about finding your shine:

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