National Suicide Prevention Month: A Teen Cover Model’s Story

Stop the stigma of mental illness.Suicide is a subject that makes people feel uncomfortable. Mental illness is complicated and a hard diagnosis to receive. People who live with it feel ashamed. My client, international teen cover model, Amy Elmore, knows. She is one of the 8.3 million Americans per year that has experienced suicidal thoughts. She is one of the nearly one million per year, who has made an attempt on her life. And she wanted me to share her story with you. It is her life’s mission to bring awareness, compassion and healing to this most important topic.

During her 10-year modeling career, Amy lived a life that many only dream of. She experienced all of the glamor, fame, and financial freedom that comes with celebrity. She was on the covers of Cosmo, Seventeen and Elle. To the outside world she had it all, but in her darkest moment, she had a psychotic break that led her to depression, a suicide attempt and a diagnosis with bi-polar mental illness. Amy is a speaker on women’s empowerment issues. She is the author of BRAVE, her personal memoir about her journey through the highs and lows of her modeling career, her attempt at suicide, being diagnosed with mental illness and learning to live again.

To raise awareness for National Suicide Prevention month, Amy is sharing her story. I hope it touches you as much as it did me. If you need help or are struggling with mental illness, seek the help of a medical professional. You do not have to suffer alone. There is hope.

Read Amy’s Story

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