8-Month Intensive for Women
*Challenge Your Beliefs, Get to Know the Real You, and Live Life to the Fullest*

- Do you feel a constant nagging that there’s more to life?
- Are you trapped in survival thinking?
- Are you exhausted by constantly performing for others?
- Are there dreams you continue to put on hold due to fear of inadequacy or what others will think?
Believe me I know.
I’ve been exactly where you are.
- You want deeper, healthier relationships - with yourself and others.
- You’re eager to feel seen, valued, and understood, without a shadow of a doubt.
- You’re ready to embrace who you really are on the inside.
- Now tell me this…
- What keeps you from being exactly where you want to be?
- What keeps you from BOLD living?
- As a Master Coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of women and discovered that it is a combination of the following:
- Secret narratives, a.k.a. the negative stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we believe, based on other people and NOT our true selves, that become the lens for how we see ourselves in the world (i.e. I’m not good enough, my sister is the favorite, my personality is too big, I can’t get a job doing what I love)
- Secret actions, patterns, and behaviors that keep us stuck in small living (i.e. lying on the resume, cheating on your significant other, yelling at your children, binge eating after everyone goes to bed, addictions)
- Our inner critic constantly filling our heads with lies that we then accept as truth
- Rules we live by that were given to us by society, religious institutions, our parents, and the world, OR even by our own minds (but aren’t based in truth)
- Labels created for us by us or others that we feel we must live up to or feel we can’t change (i.e. good girl, boss lady, high-achiever, helper, OR, rebellious, procrastinator, flaky, unreliable)
- The emotions cycle, which if not navigated properly, leads to a lack of understanding of our feelings, stunting our growth
- Unhealthy coping mechanisms - thoughts and actions we turn to for protection and help - that put a cap on our potential for success and restrain us from living life to the fullest (i.e. eating, overdoing, achieving, nagging, scolding, procrastinating)
- Image management, or in other words, trying to control how the world perceives us, which means we become versions of ourselves based on how we think we should be or what others want us to be
- And of course, the shame, fear, and doubt that comes with these. All of these components make up your life!
It’s time to go deep within yourself to change your narrative, quiet the inner critic, make your own rules, and rid yourself of labels that don’t serve you.
It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and into peace, fulfillment, and connection.
“I’ve done a lot of work on myself, but there were still some lingering negative voices in my head that I couldn’t find a way to put down. In Gretchen’s BOLD program, she’s found some magical way to shine a light on exactly what I most needed to see. And I have a solid idea now, in fact a solid feeling, not only of who I am, but how I want to move through the rest of my life. It feels amazing.”
- Have you ever heard the saying, you do you?
- But what if you don’t know who the “you” in this phrase actually is?
- Or you feel afraid to meet her.
- Maybe “doing you” feels like it’s packed with guilt, embarrassment, or imposter syndrome.

- Here’s the truth: You doing YOU is a way to get to the innermost levels of who you are, see what you’re made of, find out what you inherited, and define your vision for yourself.

- You doing YOU is a gift like no other!
- If you want to rekindle the flame with yourself and learn how to confidently stand in your truth, then this program is for you.
- This intensive experience is for women who are ready to take BOLD action in their lives - who prioritize self-development, have self-awareness, and are willing to do the necessary work to have a greater impact in the world.
- It’s for women who are ready to take their own self-love seriously, who want to nurture themselves and feel a complete sense of wholeness.

- But what exactly does BOLD look like?
- Believe in Bigger: This is your ONE life - you want more, but you’ve tabled your dreams. Believe that you were made for it, and believe that you can have it. But to get that, you have to…
- Overcome the Expected: Take a look at your inherited rules, coping mechanisms, secret narratives and actions, negative inner critic, and the labels that people have given you, and go through the 10-Stage Secret-Breaking System(™) to learn how to heal from them and let them go. And then it’s time to…
- Love Yourself: Show yourself the love you deserve, build your intuition, raise your self-esteem, and take care of your heart. From here you…
- Design Your Life: Uncover your unique purpose, dust off your dreams, and come up with a plan of action to step into BOLD living.
- So, if you’re a woman who:
- Can’t shut off her mind
- Is stuck in a constant state of anxiety and hypervigilance
- Struggles with feeling insufficient or not “enough”
- Is held back by limiting beliefs
- Manages her image to avoid vulnerability
- Feels weighed down by secrets
- Builds up walls and puts on armor daily
Then I invite you to join me for BOLD this year!

Here's the thing...
- You may feel like you’ve already made it in life - you’re moving up the career ladder, you give of your time and/or money to charity, you own a home, you’re married, you’re a mother, others comment on how “together” you seem, etc.
- But in actuality, you aren’t thriving.
- Something’s missing.
- There’s a disconnect happening within yourself, and in turn, with those around you.
- Did you know you already have everything you could ever wish for inside of yourself?
- This program will help you to unbecome anything that isn’t really you, and give you the support and courage to reclaim what’s yours.
Take a look at what’s on the other side of BOLD:
- Increased capacity for living instead of surviving
- Not needing to “numb” yourself through unhealthy coping mechanisms
- The ability to settle down without putting a pin in your passions
- Lasting satisfaction through all seasons of life
- Decreased anxiety and no longer in high alert
- Having a “glass half full” mindset instead of seeing through deficiency
- Dealing with emotions as they come up instead of shoving them down
“I came here doubting, fearful, all of the above, and leaving an empowered, strong woman knowing that every opportunity and possibility is out there for me, and now I’m not afraid to go get it!”
Now for the details… let’s talk what’s included in this life-changing, transformative program.

Two (2) In-Person Retreats (Food and Lodging Included)
Get out of your current surroundings and spend quality time with yourself and other like-minded women who are seeking what you’re seeking. It’s a good way to reset, calm your mind, and be in community. In a nurturing environment, you’ll be able to begin unlocking who you really are through facilitated discussions, exercises, and experiences.
Six (6) Group Coaching Sessions
We’ll meet together virtually as a group to take your learning to the next level. We’ll explore the core elements that shape you and pull back the curtain on the layers of what makes you, you. We’ll also work with the tools (see below) you’ll receive during our time together that allow for the inner work needed to say hello to BOLD.
Eight (8) Individual Coaching Sessions
These one-on-ones with yours truly will allow you to go ALL in. You’ll have the opportunity to deepen your awareness and integrate the learning through direct support from a Master Certified Coach.
Now’s the time to unleash your authenticity and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
“I decided to embark on this adventure with Gretchen because I was in a lot of life transitions, and I really wanted to connect in person with a tribe of women who are like myself, so I came here really hopeful and it met every wish and desire that I had. I feel so supported and so loved, and so much clarity about some of my own blocks and things that get in the way.”
You will also receive a copy of my book,
“Break Free From Your Dirty Little Secrets: A New You in 10 Secret-Breaking Stages”, and my workbook, “Tell Your Secret,” as tools to use throughout the program.

I wrote this set to help women escape the internal mindsets that have been holding them back from living their best lives. These mindsets have been built on lies – old thinking of how things should work, everyone else’s rules, and the ways that society and familial patterns have shaped us. They create secrets, which lead to a false identity, an identity that has shaped who we are now and holds us back from stepping into our most authentic selves.
I created my Secret-Breaking System™ because I had my own secrets and shame that kept me on the sidelines of my life. My secret? When I was 26 years old, I nearly stabbed my husband in the middle of a church because I was out of my mind with rage and driven by frustration and fear. I’m a put-together woman with a professional career, accolades, and a family. But in that moment, I was a little girl, triggered by feelings of abandonment and the collective weight of my past. But it doesn’t end there…Then there’s the lie – the lie I told myself about who I am because of my secret: that I’m a horrible violent person that doesn’t deserve to be loved or have a great life. And there was no program out there to help me. It took me years of creating my system to come out of this false identity I had developed. I am now living my best life.
And you can too!

Dates | |
Retreat #1 | Thursday, October 24th - Sunday, October 27th |
Group Session #1 | Thursday, November 21st from 4pm - 6pm PST |
Group Session #2 | Wednesday, December 18th from 4pm - 6pm PST |
Group Session #3 | Thursday, January 23rd from 4pm - 6pm PST |
Group Session #4 | Thursday, February 20th from 4pm - 6pm PST |
Retreat #2 | Thursday, March 20th - Sunday, March 23rd |
Group Session #5 | Thursday, April 24th from 4pm - 6pm PST |
Group Session #6 | Thursday, May 15th from 4pm - 6pm PST |
“I’m completely changed. I’ve spent my whole life in survival mode. I’ve made the transition, extraordinarily, from surviving to thriving. For once in my life, I don't have the words to express the fact that this was literally a life-changing experience.”

We’ve not only built in quite a bit of group-based support, but you’ll also have individualized one-on-one coaching with Master Certified Coach Gretchen Hydo throughout the program. There are two (2) transformational, in-person retreats planned that allow for deeper connection with the community and Gretchen. In other words, this program was intentionally created to provide you with the support you want, need, and deserve.
Since we want everyone to be the most comfortable while traveling, travel is not covered. Food and lodging are included.
This program was created with so much love and intention, we ask that you are able to commit to attending both retreats if you are wanting to apply. This is to ensure you get the most out of this experience. If this isn’t possible at this time, we encourage you to apply to a future intensive!
If something on this page is sparking your soul, grabbing your heart, and you’re reading these FAQs, it probably IS for you. But, we encourage you to apply to truly find out. We can review your application and schedule a complimentary consultation to see if it’s a great fit.

- Two (2) In-Person Retreats
- Six (6) Group Coaching Sessions
- Eight (8) Individual Coaching Sessions
- Book/Workbook
*Sign up by September 15th for the early bird pricing of $15K.
- Stop settling.
- Living a “good enough” life isn’t what we were made for. Now’s the time to design the life you've always desired.
- Apply today and prepare to welcome the real you.
- You owe it to yourself to do so, don’t you think?
- I’d love to see if this is the right fit for you. I have a few questions, and then we’ll set up a call to reserve your spot!